The past week has been..... emotional, to say the least. And I don't feel that I have ANY room to talk - I'm as white as can be.
As a white girl, here are a few things I've learned this week:
Even though I personally have never thought, believed, or been taught that a person's rights are different based on skin color, that is NOT enough.
Every voice and action can and does count.
I am not the only one to have written off a family member because they are racist.
Here is what I did this week:
Discussed any and many topics on racism with family members and, especially, other white people.
Resgistered to vote in North Carolina. - I wish I could vote RIGHT NOW.
Donated to The Innocence Project and to The Bail Project
I educated myself on the importance of signing relevant petitions and began signing.
Did A LOT of reading, thinking, feeling, crying.... But most importantly LISTENING.
Here is what I hope:
I HOPE that November's election will get Trump out of office.
I HOPE that all of those who are posting on all social media outlets about pledging to be anti-racist will continue to live true to that pledge to the best of their abilities after this week and as long as we all shall live.
and I REALLY HOPE for a little more love and a whole damn lot of change.
A few podcasts to check out if you haven't already:
Let's Talk About It... podcast HERE
Seeing White podcast HERE